Saturday, 14 September 2013

(Class Exercise 2) Learning to use Adobe After Effect

In class, (4/9/2013, Wednesday) Mr. Hafiz thought us how to use Adobe After Effect software. Step by step he thought us how to make a simple animation of lego blocks. Believe me, in this class, you 're to pay attention to Mr. Hafiz teaching cause Adobe After Effect is not something simple to understand and learn. Through out the class I have finally create an animation with Adobe After Effect. Through my experience, is not that hard to do but is also not easy as well. Basically is something doable. Below is an example of a animation of constructing block exercise.

After knowing to use the basic of Adobe After Effect, we are to create an animation with something that can be constructed (example: a block or a box) as an exercise. I have use my Gundam figure to be my Adobe After Effect constructing exercise. 

Saturday, 7 September 2013

(Class Exercise 1) Infographic Information Type

Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information in a quickly and clearly way. Infographics can improve our understanding by utilizing graphics to enhance the our visual ability to see patterns , colour, graphics and trends.

During my research on infographics, I have spotted an interested image about information type. Below is the image:

What is Spatial?
  • Spatial is an information that describes relative positions and spatial relationships in a physical or conceptual location.
  • In simple words, Spatial is an information that describes locations and positions.

Example of Spatial Information

What is Chronological?
  • Chronological is an information that describes sequential position and the causal relationships in a physical or conceptual timeline.
  • In simple words, Chronological is an information that describes sequence and time.

Examples of Chronological Information

What is Quantitative?
  • Quantitative is an information that describes scale, proportion, change and organization of quantities in space, time or both.
  • In simple words, Quantitative is an information that describes amount and comparison.

Examples of Quantitative Information